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Applied AI at its Best – An Overview of Facial Recognition Technology

Nowadays organizations are spending huge chunks of money and manpower to regulate the visitor flow in their offices on daily basis. Despite that the process is still not streamlined resulting in long queues at reception desks, inconvenience to visitors in terms of long waiting times and tedious & repetitive entry procedures at every check point.

Receptionists and entry desk staff are usually doing mundane tasks of calling and passing messages to the host whom the visitor has come to meet and most of the times they are either in meeting or unavailable to take the calls thereby causing inconvenience to them as well as the visitor. Most of the times there are repeat visitors i.e. vendors who have to meet the same person/department every day.

And in some large organizations once the visitor crosses the entry gate the security/entry desk often loose the track of visitor where he has gone in the office premise and they can even venture in areas which are out of bound for him thereby resulting in security breaches.

ShepHertz Facial Recognition based System can solve this problem by automating and streamlining the entire visitor management process.

Intuitive Self-service kiosk is one way to reduce queues at reception desks – Easy registration and face image is captured.

Saves Time – Repeat visitors are automatically detected, and entry pass is generated without having to fill all the details again and again.

Notifications to Hosts – Automatic SMS/Email notifications to hosts announcing the visitor is here to meet you.

Restrictive Access to visitor – Visitor can only visit the permitted floor any out of bound detour sends notification to security guards.

Rich & Real-time Analytics –

  • Visitors count day wise – Total number of visitors visited on the specific dates.

  • Visit count – Number of times each visitor visited.

  • Visitors Overstayed – Details of visitors who stayed after the expected time out.

  • Visitors Overstaying – Details of visitors who are staying after the expected time out.

  • Appointments List.

  • Appointments Missed.

Can interact with automation doors or any other hardware through IoT integration.

Not only works on Android/iOS Apps but also works on standard Commodity / Surveillance cameras.

Monitor Visitors & Gather useful insights in Large exhibitions/shows – Rich analytics in terms of analyzing periods during which there was a spike in visitor inflow, most visited stall etc.

Detect suspicious behavior – In crowded places avert thefts and accidents via studying the facial sentiments and raising alarm on time.These are certain scenarios under visitor management which can be dealt with ShepHertz Facial Recognition based Visitor Management Solution.Please get in touch with us to explore more and book a demo. Email:

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